Forty days... interesting.
For those of you who have been checking in here for a while it was a little more than a year ago that I planned a 40 day sabbatical. The leadership were in agreement and things were covered as I set out on what I hoped would be a refreshing and revitalizing time of reflection and rest.
In fact I began this blog as a way of keeping folks updated on the things I was experiencing during that time. You can read those early submissions in the archives if interested.
This one wasn't planned, least-wise not by me, but as it turned out I spent another 40 days "resting" this year. By the way, though I might suggest picking a different location for the purpose, taking time away to rest and be refreshed in the Lord is always an excellent idea.
As I reflect on the two "sabbaticals" I must confess that I have benefitted more from this one than from the one I planned. The Fellowship has benefitted more already from this years version than it did from the previous one as well.
I dont think I have ever had a greater love for the Lord - He is everything to me. It has been said that, "you wont fully know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have". I would not say that I ever felt like Jesus was all I had, not with my wife and family at my side and not with the multitude of wonderful folks praying and visiting, etc; but still, day to day, there was an intense need to really cling to the Lord and a profound sense of His presence.
The Lord is so good (All the time).
These 40 days have produced in me a renewed passion for ministry, a refreshed vision of our mission as a Fellowship; a rekindled love for the Lord as I mentioned; a desire to preach the Word unlike anything I have experienced before, and, a greater love for the body of Christ, wherever it might be found, but particularly that part that congregates at 252 Lawrence Street.
I want to thank all of you for the tremendous welcome home. It was a day that was more than a little overwhelming to be sure. A day that I will not soon forget.
My thanks again for your prayers and love and help. Heaven alone will be able to repay you for the grace and kindness extended to me.
Happy to be back.
Great to hear that your doing so well. We have been and continue to be praying for you!
love you,
Hi Scott,
I was glad when you came back and read your blog. I've always checked weekly for any updates so keep writing! I can guarantee you at least I will read it and find refreshment or a good direction.
God bless and we will see you Sunday. It was great to see and pray for JR and his family last week. Thats a tough situation and I will continue to pray for them and his safety.
Nic Kauffmann
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